We fuel the evolution of ever changing industries with digital prinitng
VALLOY INC. is an international marketing and publishing company for various products and solutions in visualization and digital printing market.
VALLOY Inc. is Korean Venture company established in July, 2004. The company has founded by international marketing professionals and digital imaging professionals who have tens of year experience in development and marketing for various digital printing solutions including software, imaging devices, machinery, assemblies, consumables, substrates and next dimensional displays in signage printing, textile printing, interior decoration and label & packaging market. Industrial market like printed replicas relojes electronics or bio-cell printing is another opportunity for digital production
by inkjet technology. VALLOY means Value Alloyers, aiming value of synergy in different people and technologies in digital printing industry. We will provide most demanding products in the market based on in-depth market research that we are conducting in the worldwide market through the vast network of experienced and prestigious partners, to grow together with our customers.


” VALLOY means Value Alloyers”


01. 05. Beneficiary of High-Seouil B2B Business Service (SBA, Seoul Business Agency)
01. 21. Certified as Performance-Sharing Company (MOEL, Ministry of Employment and Labor)
02. 10. CE certification for DuoBlade WX I and WX II (CEM)
02. 15. Re-selected as Seoul Small Giant company (Seoul City)
02. 25. Certificate of professional manufacturer for material, part and machinery (Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology)
05. 16. Exclusive distributorship of MarkAndy Digital products in Korea
05. 27. Office expansion by purchasing room 1018 in Daemyeong Valeon
02. 04. Registration for Software Business License (B21-209252-001, KOSA – Korea Software Industry Association)
04. 20. Attending to Virtual Drupa online exhibition (2021 APR 20-23)
06. 09. Re-certified as MAIN-BIZ, Management Innovation Business (MSS, Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
06. 12. Agreement with DPR, Italy, for authorized official distributor in Korea
06. 12. Agreement with MARKANDY, USA, for authorized official distributor in Korea
06. 23. Re-certified as KIMS-Family by Korea Institute of Materials Science
07. 29. MOU agreement with EPSON Japan for technical cooperation and co-developmnent
08. 01. VAR agreement with SKC for LIMEX eco-friendly printing substrate
08. 17. KC certificastion for GEMINI40 (RRA, National Radio Research Agency)
08. 23. Beneficiary for export promotion service as TRADE ON Premium Membership Company (SBA, Seoul Business Agency)
08. 30. Beneficiary for Export Voucher as Global Small & Giant Company (MSS, Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
09. 02. Selected as one of 20 “GREEN MAKER 2021” companies by WADIZ
09. 03. Registration of Certification of Approval exporter for FTA by Korea Customs Service
10. 07. Release of TOPAZ Rip V.11 (FX Fast Diffusion screen for perfect gradation)
11. 15. Readers’ Choice Top 50 Company (DigitalOutput)
11. 20. 2021 Annual Top 30 Company Award (DPS Magazine)
12. 31. Certified as Venture Business Company for innovative growth
01. 01. Re-certified as Hi Seoul Brand Company (Seoul City)
02. 01. Readers’ Choice Top 50 Company (DigitalOutput)
05. 24. 2020 Technical Aid Project – Development of I-PRINT, handheld full color printer which prints large scale image by adjustment of irregular movement of path, angle and speed by hands (2020-099, KOITA – Korea Industrial Technology Association, 20200524 – 20200824)
06. 15. 2020 Field R&D Process Improvement Project – Development of remotely controllable optimized digital production system for stickers (S2910589, MSS – Ministry of SMEs and Startups, 20200615 – 20210614)
07. 01. 2020 Curtural Technology Development Project – Digital K-BLACK ink developent by modernization of traditional ink production method (R2020040047, KOCCA – Korea Creative Content Agency, 20200701 – 2022123)
07. 27. Beneficiary for overseas marketing promotion as a tradeKorea exellent member (KITA, Korea International Trade Associatioln)
08. 19. Patent application, “Portable printer estimating coordinate sensing coded pattern” (10-2020-0104080, Korean Intellectual Property Office)
10. 16. Joining to 2020 onboarding program for new employee (SBA, Seoul Business Agency)
12. 30. Joining to foreign language improvement project for High-Seoul company employee (SBA, Seoul Business Agency)
03. 12. Registration for Tech-Safe – Decelopment of UV inkjet roll label printer
05. 31. T-4 level certification of Excellent Technology Evaluation Company (KED, Korea Enterprise Data)
07. 08. 3rd Certification as the Promising Export Firm (MSS, Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
07. 11. Patent application, “Semi-3D replicator” (10-2019-0083872, Korean Intellectual Property Office)
10. 15. VAR agreement with OKI SYSTEMS KOREA
12. 17. Certified as Seoul Award Product – FAPER (SBA, Seoul Business Agency)
12. 27. Interviewee in magazine of Seoul National University College of Engineering 2019 Winter (v111, pp. 20~37)
12. 31. Re-certified as Venture Business Company by KIBO, Korea Technology Finance Corporation
04. 19. Certified as Global Small & Giant Company (MSS, Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
05. 12. Commendation award as exellent exportation Hi-Seoul brand company (Mayer W.S. Park of Seoul City)
07. 20. T-5 level certification of Excellent Technology Evaluation Company (KED, Korea Enterprise Data)
07. 20. Re-certified as MAINBIZ, Management Innovation Business (MSS, Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
10. 01. Beneficiary of overseas marketing promotion for Global Small & Giant company (MSS, Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
10. 26. Readers’ Choice Top 50 Honorable Mention (DigitalOutput)
03. 14. Authorized company for bidding in public procurement market (Public Procurement Service)
04. 01. Joining to balancing between work and home project (Ministry of Employment and Labor)
04. 07. Trademark registration – TOPAZET (40-1245142)
05. 01. Selected to receive export-aid compaign as High Growth company (SMBA, Small and Medium Business Administration)
06. 16. Selected as Seoul Small Giant company (Seoul City)
06. 29. Registration for Tech-Safe – Decelopment of special toner for roll to roll laser printers
08. 17. Readers’ Choice Top 50 Company (DigitalOutput)
10. 11. Award of winner in New Product Competition at SISOFAIR 2017 – FAPER (President of KSIC, Korea Stationery Industry Cooperative)
10. 31. BS5609 Section3 certification for durable chemical label with FAPER label substrate (Smithers Pira)
11. 01. Licensed for purchase safety service (NAVER)
11. 01. 2017 Seoul Commercial Development Project – UV inkjet semi-3D layered printing solution development (TB172153, SBA-Seoul Business Agency, 20171101 – 20180430))
11. 10. Licensed for mail order business (Songpa borough, Seoul)
12. 15. 2017 Customized R&D partner support project – 2.5D scanner head development for layered semi-3D inkjet printer (C0559214, MSS, Ministry of SMEs and Startups, 20171215-20180614)
05. 31. Attending to DRUPA 2016 Exhibition (Dusseldorf, Germany)
06. 20. Moving to self-owned new office & factory in SONGPA INTELECTURE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, Seoul.
06. 02. Certified as KIMS-Family by Korea Institute of Materials Science
07. 07. Factory registration in new office (1467-8809-3266-8239)
07. 01. 2016 Process Improvement R&D Project – Diversification of application by development of special toner for roll to roll laser printer (S2420325, SMBA, 20160901 – 20170531)
11. 11. 2016 Commercial Development Project – Development of roll to roll UV inkjet printer for label and flexible package (S2448205, SMBA, 20161111 – 20181110)
12. 24. Capital Increase with Consideration (175M won)
04. 03. Certified as a research and development department (Korea Industrial Technology Promotion Association)
06. 01. Certification as the Promising Export Firm by the Small & Medium Business Administration (SMBA), Korea
07. 14. Certified as Venture Business Company by KIBO, Korea Technology Finance Corporation
07. 20. Certified as MAIN-BIZ, Management Innovation Business (SMBA, the Small & Medium Business Administration)
07. 29. Certified Establishment of Valloy Technical Research Institute (KOITA, Korea Industrial Technology Association)
08. 01. Commercial release of digital roll label finisher, DUOBLADE S
09. 29. Attending to LABEL EXPO 2015 Exhibition, Brussel, Belgium
06. 12. Agreement with Prooftag, France, for authorized official distributor in Korea
06. 17. Joining to global market developer program for South America cource (SBC, Small & medium Business Corporation)
09. 03. DUNS Number reactivation : 690238824
09. 04. Achievement of Certificate of Company Specific Approved Exporter for FTA prestige by Korea Customs Service
09. 09. Attending to LABEL EXPO 2014 Exhibition, Chicago, USA
09. 11. Registered in USA SAM (System for Award Management) / DUNS no. 690238824 / NCAGE Code : 521BF
04. 19. Selected as a beneficiary of export support program by the Small & Medium Business Administration (SMBA), Korea
04. 22. Membership of Seoul Trade Club (SBA, Seoul Business Agency)
06. 23. Attending to FESPA DIGITAL 2013 Exhibition, Munchen, Germany
09. 02. Capital Increase with Consideration to 125 million won
09. 23. Attending to LABEL EXPO 2013 Exhibition, Brussel, Belgium
12. 01. Readers’ Choice Top 10 Honorable Mention (DigitalOutput)
04. 02. Selected as a beneficiary of promotion for certification achievement of overseas standards by the Small & Medium Business Administration (SMBA), Korea
04. 20. Conduction of FTA consulting business supported by
05. 02. Selected as Next Generation Export S&M Enterprise by Meyer of Seoul, Korea
11. 03. Member of Global Market Developer for South American market (Kangnam borough, Seoul)
11. 30. Graduation of ‘Management of Global Technology and Innovation’ cource in KOTRA, organized by Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Korea
02. 08. Selected as beneficiary of Online Trading support business by head of Kangnam borough, Seoul
02. 11. Selected as beneficiary of SBC’s Overseas Private Network Utilization program (Korea Small & medium Business Corporation)
02. 21. Selected as beneficiary of Online Trading support business by head of Kangnam borough, Seoul
03. 01. Global Authentication and Verification. (“Global A&V”) for Alibaba Gold Supplier (International Edition) Membership
03. 21. Selected as beneficiary of Overseas Marketing Network support business by Small and medium Business Corporation (SBC, Small & medium Business Corporation) , Korea
05. 12. Registration of intellectual property as software program for TOPAZ rip
06. 01. Certification as the Promising Export Firm by the Small & Medium Business Administration (SMBA), Korea
06. 01. TOPAZ rip is selected as world TOP10 rip software / Asian best rip software by DigitalOutput magazine
06. 30. CE Certification of TOPAZ TEXCOOKER
10. 05. Registration of Certification of Approval exporter for FTA by Korea Customs Service
04. 01. Certified as the best 300 exportation company (NEW EXPORT 300) by Korea International Trade Association (KITA), Korea
12. 08. CE Certification of TOPAZ HEAT PRESS machines
11 . 30. Received the award of the exportation tower of 1 million dollar by President M.B. Lee, Korea
03. 01. Official release of TOPAZ TEXCOOKER
06. 17. Achievement of DUNS NUMBER (NICE D&B)
12. 13. Achievement of HP Developer & Solution Partner (DSPP) membership
07. 15. Starting business with operation license at 639-5, Ilwon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea